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Homeopathy for Home Dental Care. Say Cheese!

Oct 17, 2022

This is an article from my favourite homeopath on one of my favourite wellness sites about one of my least favourite subjects. But thanks to homeopathy I can feel better about those yearly visits.

Margo is a delicate ten-year-old girl with a history of dental problems. However, it’s not Margo who suffers the most from this troubling legacy; it’s her mom. Even though Margo has been the dental patient, it is her mother who bears the painful realization that she has made unfortunate decisions in Margo’s dental health care. Mrs. Winski endures the ongoing pain of disillusionment in modern medicine.

It felt like a defeat on the battlefront to Mrs. Winski ever since she finally understood that she had chosen the wrong dentist and permitted her daughter to be subjected to what she now calls “archaic” medical measures. Amalgam fillings, antibiotics for a repeated gum boil, general anesthesia because of Margo’s overwhelming anxiety, and powerful painkillers were all used without much thought of their consequences. Yet the heaviest burden of guilt that Mrs. Winski bore was the fact that Margo’s dental problems took years to resolve, plus she developed food sensitivities as well as additional cavities after the last dental visit two years ago. Not unlike other mothers, she’s hard on herself.


Advancing her mothering homework, however, which she now takes more seriously, Mrs. Winski learned that not only might homeopathy have helped heal her daughter’s dental infections, but likely could have allayed Margo’s fears and anxiety, and perhaps even helped to prevent future dental caries.

The silver lining in this story (pun intended) is that now Margo’s mom has become shrewd at finding the proper remedies for her child. First she bought a few homeopathy books, then attended a seminar and also met on the phone with a homeopath, but much of what she’s learned has been a direct result of her tenacious search for answers. Once Mrs. Winski decided on a plan of action, her strategies were rewarded with Margo’s improved dental health. Margo’s teeth no longer readily showed decay, abscesses healed and never resurfaced, and her child became calm during dental visits. Here is the protocol Margo’s mom implemented:

• The first choice she made was to incorporate Calc phos 6x and Calc fluor 12x. These remedies are part of a special category of homeopathy called cell salts or tissue salts. They have a reputation for building bones and teeth. The family initiated a program of dissolving four pills of each in four ounces of water. Margo learned that she was to take a sip (about one teaspoon) three times every day. Of course, she also initiated dietary improvements, taking her daily bone broth and raw milk kefir.

• Now that Margo only visits a holistic dentist she will no longer receive amalgam fillings, and if the dentist must drill, Margo often doesn’t even need a local anesthetic. The potential pain is lessened by her mom’s strategy of using Hypericum just before entering the dental chair.

• Margo’s anxiety no longer appears to show itself thanks to the remedy Aconitum. Her mom gives her a dose the night before the dental visit, the morning of the visit, and finally just before entering the office.

• Mrs. Winski learned that Nux vomica 30, administered twice daily for one week helped with Margo’s ensuing gastrointestinal problems. Mrs. Winski believes the problems were brought on by the use of antibiotics. Nux vomica abolished stomach pains, newly acquired food intolerances and sleeplessness, and was crucial to Margo’s well being because it allowed her body to heal from the destruction of gut microorganisms.

It’s been two years since the new dental approach has been implemented in the Winski household. After years of caries, Margo has not had another since the time the family instituted their program. The abscesses never returned despite the previous antibiotic mistakes and Margo can even have wheat on occasion without regrets. But it’s that terrible anxiety and fear that she used to feel—now barely a memory—that makes this story end with a holistic smile.

Medicine ought to be our work horse, not oblige us to suffer through side effects and suppression of symptoms, only to have illness return once the body yields to the drug. Homeopathy is a medicine that belongs in the hands of mothers and others. It will not take the place of highly skilled holistic dentistry, but is a vital adjunct and may even save trips to the dentist’s office.

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