The benefits of consuming bone broth are numerous, you will improve your gut health, improve your physical performance, promote cardiovascular health, and even keep your skin and hair beautiful.

I love making bone stock. It’s always in my freezer and if I’m running low it’s a priority to make
ASAP! This is because it’s not only crazy good for me it’s also crazy EASY!! Oh, and its super
affordable since you are pretty well just using bones, vegetable scraps and water.
Clients often come to me on at least one vitamin because they believe that it’s good for them,
that they need it, and that they are lacking in... something? Ok, fair enough. If you know
without a shadow of a doubt that you are lacking in Vit. D and it’s the dead of winter so you
can’t get body parts exposed without getting frostbite then my response is... eat foods
containing Vitamin D. Foods like butter, eggs, shrimp, crab...
But I’m getting off track, I was talking about broth. Here’s the deal, It’s best to get our vitamins
from food, because anything that you can get in a pill you can get better from your food.
Properly prepared bone stocks are super nutritious containing minerals, cartilage, marrow and
vegetables as electrolytes in a form that is easy to assimilate. Gelatine is also present in well
made stocks, and it acts first and foremost as an aid to digestion. It has been used
successfully to aid in the treatment of many intestinal disorders, including hyperacidity, colitis
and Crohn’s disease.
In folk wisdom, rich chicken broth-the famous Jewish penicillin- is valued as a flu remedy.
After any sickness I recommend drinking bone stock liberally. Add in some garlic, sea salt,
pepper, cayenne, thyme, whatever your heart desires to make it taste good to you. It’s deeply
Not only are bone stocks nutrient dense powerhouses but they are absolutely delicious! They
are the basis for the best soups, stews, pretty well ANY instant pot or slow cooker recipe,
chilis... etc! There’s rarely a dinner recipe I make that doesn’t call for at least a small amount of
This is a fanatic article about the benefits of bone stock and even includes a recipe. You don’t
need to take expensive vitamins and supplements in order to properly nourish your body, all
you need is a bit of time and a few inexpensive ingredients.
Bon appétit!
~ Lisa
The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.