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Calming the Back to School Butterflies

Lisa Heinrichs

Updated: Jul 20, 2024

It all started when the leaves started to turn and the back to school ads started to pop up in every store they went in.

It's not that Lucy didn't like school, but the first day jitters were causing more trouble than just a few "butterflies" in the stomach.

Lucy was beginning to feel anxious about school. It started every time her mom mentioned that they needed to get school supplies, or if she was excited about the new teacher, or that it would be fun to go shopping for a new outfit for school. Lucy's stomach would start to hurt, and she just wanted to lie down. She felt mentally and physically weak.

The first remedy to think of, for this kind of anticipatory anxiety, is Gelsemium. Taken at the first sign of a discomfort, this little gem of a remedy can bring much needed relief.

During the first and second world war this remedy was called upon to help counteract cowardice on the battlefield. Now, one can hardly compare the first day of school to the ravages of war, but that's the beauty of homeopathy. It works regardless of the situation as long as the symptom picture fits. Gelsemium is also the first remedy to consider for stage fright. The person feels weak and unable to perform the task at hand. There can be trembling, great fatigue, and weakness. Gelsemium can be used for ANY severe anxiety that is often experienced before tests, interviews, performances, and doctor or dental visits.

Lucy's mom decided that she would give her daughter Gelsemium 30c, twice daily as soon as she started to feel anxious about school.

Alternatively, if Lucy had felt quite anxious about school and it was effecting her sleep in a way that it was causing her to have insomnia due to racing thoughts, and not so much a feeling of weakness and upset stomach, Coffea cruda 200c, would likely be the better choice. The person who needs Coffea cruda can't sleep for thinking of all the things that they need to do the next day. "Did I pack everything I need? What if no one likes me? What if the teacher doesn't like me?" "I hope I have a friend to play with at recess."

Coffea helps to calm those thoughts and allow the child to rest before the big day.

With Gelsemium, Lucy was able to talk more easily about school, the anxiety was replaced with excitement for the big day. With her book bag packed and lunch made Lucy could drift off to sleep.

The Gelsemium didn't take away all of Lucy's first day jitters, this is because feeling a bit nervous before any big event is well within the range of normal. It did however, allow her to feel the anticipation without suffering, and look forward to the day instead of fearing it.

Have a great year students!

~ Lisa

The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.



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