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Homeopaths Get Headaches Too.

Lisa Heinrichs

Here are just a few of my go-to remedies, and some additional suggestions.

I used to get them chronically as a child and codeine was almost always the answer.

Codeine was our families panacea.

No, we didn't use it daily but it was the most commonly used method of pain relief in my family growing up. I was a child of the 80's, at a time when opioids weren't the issue they are today in North America.

If you weren't aware, here are a few of the most common side effects of codeine

Warnings: You should not use codeine if you have severe breathing problems, a blockage in your stomach or intestines, or frequent asthma attacks or hyperventilation. Codeine can slow or stop your breathing, cause profound sedation, and may be habit-forming. MISUSE OF THIS MEDICINE CAN CAUSE ADDICTION, OVERDOSE, OR DEATH, especially in a child or other person using the medicine without a prescription. Codeine is not for use in anyone under 18 years old. Taking codeine during pregnancy may cause life-threatening withdrawal symptoms in the newborn. Fatal side effects can occur if you use codeine with alcohol, or with other drugs that cause drowsiness, sedation or slow your breathing.

Thankfully I don't use drugs, over the counter or otherwise anymore (general anesthesia not included). I have my remedies when I get the odd headache now.

I generally start with my favourite combination which is a Banerji protocol for headaches. It was introduced to me by my mentor Joette Calabrese.

Picric acid 200c + Belladonna 3c. (this is a combination remedy that I special order from Boiron).

I call this my "garden variety" headache remedy. If after 3-4 doses of this combination, there is zero relief, I will reassess my symptoms and choose again.

This time I noted that I was always better lying perfectly still and worse when I was moving around, and going out into the summer heat. I just wanted to be still and close my eyes. I wanted darkness, quiet, and a cool compress gently placed on my forehead.

Any guesses?

Bryonia 30c was the correct answer but Gelsemium 30c was also a possibility.

Bryonia is worse from ANY movement, they want quiet and darkness. They want to be left alone.

Gelsemium is droopy, draggy and flat out fatigued. And that is also how I felt, I was just so tired! My eyelids and head were so heavy and I just wanted to go to sleep. If Bryonia hadn't helped Gelsemium would've been my next choice.

I believe my headache came from the stress of work and not enough sleep so a remedy such as Kali phos 6x (also known as ‘The Pick Me Up Cell Salt’),or Mag phos 6x (famous for its pain relieving capabilities) would also be a possibility. Again, if I hadn't gotten relief from the above remedies, these tissue salt would have been a consideration. Take 2 tablets every 10-15min until there is relief. Both of these tissue salts can be taken alternatively for the kind of a headache I was experiencing.

Do you see how it works? If one doesn't act or the symptoms picture changes or you realize a symptom that wasn't there before now comes to the fore, you can pivot and choose differently. It's all about observation. That's key. I am at a disadvantage because I don't have someone observing. It's all me so that makes it a bit of a challenge. Thankfully I know my remedies well enough to manage, even when my brain is mushy with pain.

So before you grab the codeine or whatever drug used to help with the pain but carry potentially dangerous side-effects, look instead to homeopathy for your relief.

There is another way!

~ Lisa

The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


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