"Ahhhh Choo! Ugh... I hate springtime."

Here in Alberta, our winters are long and harsh. Yes we get the sunshine but we also get the cold... brrrr... We all long for the springtime.
Come February we've all had just about enough of the snowing, the shovelling, and the bundling, and can't wait to exchange our winter boots for flip flops!
So for those who suffer from hay fever it's a cruel irony that they have to stay inside when the weather turns warm. When the tree buds are blossoming and the pollen is flying, they are forced inside until that part of the season has passed.
Allergy season can be miserable for people living with hay fever, also known as allergic rhinitis.
Hay fever is very common and possibly one of the most annoying allergies! Symptoms include, itchy eyes, runny nose, sneezing and coughing.
The most common course of action is to take an over-the-counter antihistamines such as Claritin, Benadryl, or a nasal corticosteroid (and ya'll know how much I loooove steroids).
The use of intranasal steroids for the treatment of allergic and vasomotor rhinitis has doubled during the past 5 years. The number of reported cases of nasal septum perforation has increased correspondingly. [1]
Possible side effects of Claritin to watch for include the following: [2]
Dry mouth
Sore throat or sores in the mouth
Difficulty sleeping at night or falling asleep
Stomach pains or diarrhea
Red, itchy eyes
For an extensive list of possible side-effects for Benadryl click here
Sobering isn't it?
These medications may help in the short term, but when they are used time after time, it's rarely considered that these drugs may have driven the condition to a deeper state.
Not only do these methods cause some potentially serious side-effects, they never get to the root of the condition. Chemicals do not cure, they suppress, they kick the can down the road.
How about we look instead to what homeopathy has to offer for seasonal allergies? Here are a few of the most common remedies to consider this year.
Allium cepa 30c - consider this remedy when there is clear, burning nasal discharge irritating the nostrils and upper lip. There is also tearing of the eyes that is not burning to the skin, but does cause the eyes themselves, to be red and burning.
Euphrasia 30c - is all about the eyes. When there is watery nasal discharge and copious burning tears, this is the remedy to try.
Sabadilla 30c - when there is copious, watery nasal discharge; with tremendous, spasmotic sneezing, itching in the nose, and red, runny eyes. Sneezing is the primary complaint.
Wyethia 30c - when the nasal allergies are accompanied by intense, urgent itching of the back part of the roof of the mouth, throat and palate, which sometimes extends to the ears. There can also tremendous itching in the nose, .
Give the remedy every hour if the symptoms are intense. If there is no relief after 4 doses, re-evaluate the symptoms and try another remedy that best fits your current symptoms.
As the symptoms improve back off the remedy and use only as needed, 2- 3 times per day. Repeat only if the symptoms come back.
Many of you know how fond I am of Boiron and their combination remedies. They offer simple solutions to the allergy sufferer with their effective combination remedies and eye drops. Read more about what they suggest for the allergy sufferer here. Follow the directions on the package.
Rhinallergy - is a homeopathic combination medicine used to relieve symptoms caused by seasonal allergies (hay fever, pollen) and environmental allergens (dust, mould, animal hair) such as sneezing, runny nose, itchy and watery eyes and scratchy throat.
Optique1 - Homeopathic medicine used to relieve minor eye irritations such as dryness, burning sensation, redness or itching due to allergies or pollution (ragweed, pollens, dust, smoke), strain, sustained visual efforts (computer, reading) or swimming. I recommend this product often in my practice and it's a staple in my home.
Keep in mind that these remedies may not get to the root of the condition. Seasonal allergies often require the help of a seasoned homeopath who can work with the allergy sufferer to slowly but surely heal the person. But in the meantime there is much that can be done at home, safely, with no side effects, using these gentle medicines.
I hope this helps you or your loved ones enjoy springtime once again!
The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.