"Mary! Let's go run in the mountains!"

Natalie was an avid trail runner and her favourite way to exercise was running up and down the winding paths of the mountains. Her friend Mary was in town and she was pumped to go running with her.
“I can’t”, said Mary, “running down hills are killer for my knees”. Mary stuck to the flat roads and trails, eschewing the hills because of the inevitable pain that came after.
“No problem,” Natalie handed her a tube of Arnicacare Sport, “just take one of these as needed (directions are on the side of the box), you’ll be good to go!”
Mary looked at the tube and shook her head, “I can’t take anti-inflammatories, I’m allergic”.
“Its not a drug", Natalie assured her, "It's Homeopathy!”
Homeopathy seeks to stimulate the body's own healing mechanisms, to correct the underlying imbalance that caused the symptoms in the first place. But Mary didn’t need to know all this, all she cared about was if it worked, and if it was safe.
Thankfully for Mary, it did and it is.
Natalie gave her friend one tab at the top of the mountain, and then another at the bottom.
“What was that stuff?? I have no pain in my knees! This is the first time in years that I’ve been able to run hills with no knee pain!”
Arnicare Sport is made with Arnica, a medicine known for its ability to relieve muscular soreness, cramping, and fatigue following a physical workout or overexertion.
Mary went back to her friends store and bought a package of her own. She is now never without her Arnicare Sport and the knee pain is a thing of the past… Thank you Arnica.
Mary no longer has to be concerned with taking a drug for her knee pain, and the unpleasant side effects that accompanying them. She’s found another way, a safer, more effective way. Homeopathy.
Until next time!
~ Lisa
The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.