Autonomy is oh so important.

“ Most people walk around with their umbilical chord in their hand looking for someone to plug it into.”
-Dan Kennedy
Dr. Cilla Whatcott is a board certified Homeopath and author of two books on
Homeoprophylaxis. In an interview she was discussing how most people would like to
be able to,
“Call the manager!”
“Help! What am I supposed to do?!”
You know, have some omniscient person, like a parent, or a doctor, or an authority to
say, “this is what you do,” and then it works, and then then everything’s ok. That’s
what we wish for, and that is what we are being called to recognize at this point in the
We must be sovereign. We must determine what’s right for us and our families, and I
believe that Homeopathy speaks to those people to be able to do that.
“I didn’t want to use drugs, I just didn’t know there was another way.”
This is the other way.
I personally realized, and I think we all do at some point, that we need to be the captains of our own ship when it comes to the health and wellness of our families.
When I was first learning and reading about vaccine alternatives for my
children I knew I needed to be prepared in the event that if they did contract
something, I would be at the ready for whatever may be needed. Parents would often
tell me that they were going to eschew the vaccine schedule and my response would
always be, well that’s a very prudent decision, just make sure that you know what to do
in cases of emergency. If you took your child to the hospital, and they offered you that
tetanus shot, you need to have your plan ready for what you will say, and how you will
take care of your child when you leave the hospital. (Just an FYI, the tetanus shot is
beyond superfluous at the time of an emergency because your body wouldn’t be able
to produce antibodies fast enough to protect against the bacteria anyway).
Bottom line? Get some basic knowledge about homeopathy and first aid. Find out
what remedy to use to prevent tetanus in the first place (it’s Ledum by the way). Own
some simple homeopathy books and learn to take care of your family... you won’t
regret it.
~ Lisa
The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.