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Lisa Heinrichs

Missy's Got Mastitis!

Updated: Jul 19, 2023

The Jensen's cow Missy got bit by her calf which, unfortunately led to her developing mastitis. Missy's owner did not want to use antibiotics if at all possible, and instead decided to try other methods. She used essential oils of peppermint, tea tree and oregano and applied them to the outside of the udder after each milking. She would keep the infected quarter stripped out. She added dried kelp meal to her feed to help boost her immune system. Everything she did seemed to "help" but nothing was curing this stubborn condition and

What are some of the signs of mastitis? Some of the common signs of mastitis are a hard or swollen quarter, off coloured or watery milk, and clots and puss in the milk. Cows may also go off feed (poor appetite) and have a decreased milk yield.

Missy's owner came to me and asked if there was anything that homeopathy could do to help this.

"Of course! I said, there is always something homeopathy can do, and mastitis is no exception".

Naturally, there are several remedies to choose from but I decided to go with Hepar Sulph 30c, as my first choice. Here's why;

Hepar sulph is all about soft tissue infections. The pain is sore and sticking, like sharp splinters.

Think of this remedy first for threatened abscess' which may produce thick, yellow, ropy discharge or pus. The skin can be chapped with deep cracks on the hands and feet.

It's for boils, abscesses and suppurating glands. A perfect choice for painful mastitis whether it be a for a cow or human.

The person- or cow in this case- can be touchy, both mentally and physically. They are worse from cold winds and drafts, but feel better from heat, warm wraps, and moist heat. So when the cold winter air blew, Missy became agitated. When Missy's owner would gently clean her udders with warm water, she calmed her down.

I told her to give Hepar Sulph 30c, every 3 hours if possible, and back off to twice daily as she improved. Here was her report after only two days of using the remedy:

I started on Wednesday and only gave it once per day. I know you told me more would be better but Wednesday and Thursday are my crazy busy days and then by Friday I could see the milk no longer had clots at all so once per day was looking like it was doing the trick.

"These are mastitis indicators. The dark green (indicating infection) was my checking the same quarter multiple times while milking a couple of days ago. This yellow one is today. Matches all the other quarters almost perfect!" ~Missy's owner.

Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Instead of having to use an antibiotic to "kill" the infection, which could potentially set in motion a cow that will be more prone to these types of infection in the future, homeopathy uproots the propensity for these infections to occur in the future. She also didn't have to discard all of that lovely milk, which she would've had to for days had she used antibiotics. Nope, her family didn't miss out on one day once the infection was resolved. Love it.

There is another way.


The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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