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Writer's pictureLisa Heinrichs PHom M

Understanding Symptoms

Updated: Jul 21, 2023

Suppression is a Naughty Word

Samual Hahnemann, the father of homeopathy, had a revolutionary understanding of symptoms. Instead of conventional medicine understanding that symptoms are something to be treated, controlled or suppressed.

Hahnemann learned that symptoms are positive, adaptive responses to a variety of stresses.

Symptoms represent the bodies best effort to heal itself, so instead of suppressing symptoms (which only drives illness to a deeper level) therapies should stimulate the body’s defences to complete the curative process.

Therefore, symptoms are not the disease, symptoms accompany the disease, symptoms are evidence of the disease.

Conventional medicine treats the symptoms as the disease, but in homeopathy we treat symptoms as gifts from the body directing us to the correct homeopathic remedy.

You see the body is always looking for homeostasis, and it has an innate ability to heal

itself when given the correct stimulus. Unfortunately we are taught through media, that all symptoms are bad and need to be eliminated. You get rid of the symptom then you are well. This is simply not the case.

Taking the batteries out of the smoke alarm does not stop the raging fire!

So let’s talk briefly about suppression, because this is a naughty word in homeopathy.

Let me start with an example;

When I work with clients who have asthma along with a skin condition like eczema, I

ask them if they had eczema as a child. Often the answer is “yes”.

I then ask them how the skin condition was treated, and if so, was it with a topical steroid?

The answer is often “yes”.

I then go on to explain what is called the “atopic march”. How eczema

can lead to asthma later in life.

This is a very common occurrence in the world of of paediatrics and there are a variety of theories as to why this happens, but not one of them makes the connection between the use of topical steroids, and asthma.

It is so important to be able to treat acutes naturally, because when you continually

suppress acutes, you drive illness to a deeper level which can then lead to

chronic illness later in life.

Chronic disease is often the result of mismanaged acute diseases.

Conventional drugs may help in the short term (which is all that these drugs can

promise), but when they are used time after time, it’s rarely considered that these drugs

may have driven the condition to a deeper state.

So when I hear clients say:

“I didn’t want to use a drug, I just didn’t know there was another way.”

Well now you do and this is it;


~ Lisa

The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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